I’m Back

Hey everyone,

It’s been a crazy year filled with ups and downs and lots of work and in that time I let the blog slide. But now I am back and more enthused than ever. Keep coming back for plenty of new content.

Self Care #22

Today’s if the beginning of the final stretch of the 31 day challenge. So far we have accomplished a lot. We have decluttered our physical environment, increased our outlook on ourselves & shifted our brainwaves to look at the positives in life instead of the negatives. We’ve gotten exercise, gotten outside, splurged a bit and interacted with loved ones. Hopefully doing things challenges have helped you feel better both mentally and physically.  If you have not started the challenge yet feel free to do so by following the link HERE to all the previous challenges.  There will be 10 more challenges and they are coming quickly. Good luck everyone.

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Self Care #21

Today’s challenge ends week three of the self care challenge which means we are almost two thirds done the month of march…seriously though where has the time gone. If you have been completing the challenges how have you been making out, what self care category do you find the easiest, which is the hardest? let me know in the comments.

Today we will be focusing on a challenge that is beneficial to all self care aspects as well as time management.

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